Illustrations for ‘The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars’ by Paul Broks
This series of images was commissioned by neuropsychologist and author Paul Broks, for his latest book, ‘The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars’. The publisher decided that they would only print a selection of them, much to the author’s and my disappointment. In the process of selecting the images to go in the book some were necessarily rejected by Paul Broks. Some of these images, although correctly judged by the author as not being suitable for the book, had their own merits as stand alone pictures. I have included most of the images produced here, with indications in the titles as to those printed in the book, those making up the complete set but not published and those not selected. You can find out more about the book itself here – ‘The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars’.